Thomas Buchmann, Johannes Baumgartl, Dominik Henrich and Bernhard Westfechtel
Robots and Their variability - A Societal Challenge and a Potential Solution
Fabio Calefato, Filippo Lanubile, Roberto De Nicolò and Fabrizio Lippolis
Product Line Engineering for NGO Projects
Ruzanna Chitchyan, Joost Noppen and Iris Groher
What can Software Engineering Do for Sustainability: Case of Software Product Lines
Barbara Gallina
Towards Enabling Reuse in the Context of Safety-critical Product Lines
Magno Luã de Jesus Souza, Alcemir Rodrigues Santos and Eduardo Santana de Almeida
Towards the Selection of Modeling Techniques for Dynamic Software Product Lines
Vinicius Segura, Leonardo Tizzei, João Paulo Ramirez, Marcelo Dos Santos, Leonardo Azevedo and Renato Cerqueira
WISE-SPL: Bringing multi-tenancy to the Weather InSights Environment system
Vasilios Tzeremes and Hassan Gomaa
A Software Product Line Approach for End User Development of Smart Spaces