lero RSS Feed http://sites.lero.ie/please2015/overview.html?rss PLEASE2015 / Overview en PLEASE2015 / Overview <p style="margin-bottom:0px;padding-bottom:0px"><strong>News:</strong></p><ul style="margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-left:16px"><li>List of <a href="/PLEASE2015/AcceptedPapers.html">accepted papers</a> is online.</li><li><a href="/PLEASE2015/Keynote.html">Keynote by Patricia Lago</a> announced.</li><li><a href="/PLEASE2015/ImportantDates.html">Deadline for submissions extended</a> to <strong>January 30, 2015</strong>.</li><li>The list of <a href="/PLEASE2015/Organization.html">program committee members</a> is online.</li><li>The <a href="/PLEASE2015/Submissions.html">call for papers</a> is online.</li><li>PLEASE 2015 will take place on May 19, 2015.</li></ul><hr /><p>Software drives most systems designed to address contemporary societal challenges. These systems are expected to be highly customizable and delivered in numerous variants. For example, consider families of implanted devices that are customized for the specific condition of each patient, intelligent buildings and resource control centers in smart cities that need customization for each municipal area, or driverless control functions customized for a range of car models.</p><p>Product Line Engineering (PLE) emerged as a sub-area of Software Engineering that helps developing families of related systems. In this edition of the PLEASE workshop, we intend to explore the interrelation between societal challenges and PLE.</p><p>The goal of the workshop is to identify new opportunities for PLE adoption and new challenges posed by emerging societal trends. As in previous years, PLEASE will be conducted in a highly interactive manner and will include a set of lightning talks and speed-dating sessions.</p><p>As a result of the workshop, we expect to:</p><ul><li>identify SPLE-related societal challenges;</li><li>discuss challenges that the SPLE community has started to address or has a clear vision for doing so;</li><li>expose participants to the benefits of the relevant SPLE techniques;</li><li>establish new collaborations between participants from different backgrounds;</li><li>elicit a long-term research agenda for identified un-solved problems, thus advancing the state of research and practice in the area.</li></ul> Wed, 04 Mar 2015 15:30:03 GMT http://sites.lero.ie/please2015/overview.html lero http://sites.lero.ie/please2015/overview.htmlWed, 04 Mar 2015 15:30:03 GMT